Bikes and Bands
What is Bikes & Bands?
Bikes & Bands is our once-a-month ride & music series! We have open track practice while local bands play live track side. Fun for the whole family! All ages are welcome.
Admission is $10 PER PERSON (riders and spectators).
Band booking is by our track promo team -- "CONVAIR STREET" -- appropriately named after the street address of Freedom Park BMX! All Bikes & Bands events are collaborative events between the Freedom Park BMX and Convair Street teams.
Scroll for more info, our upcoming Bikes & Bands schedule, and to purchase admission in advance to our next event!
What is needed to ride during Bikes & Bands?
All riders need the following to ride on the track:
USABMX annual membership OR signed waiver. We have blank waivers at entry you can fill out and sign when you arrive.
A bike in good working condition. NO pegs, training wheels, electric, or motorized bikes of any kind.
Bicycle helmet that fits properly.
Closed-toed shoes.
Long pants and long sleeve shirt reccomended.

Bikes & Bands Upcoming Schedule